
I need phishers and guys who work on botnets and get bank logins. Add me on ICQ:

Friday, November 21, 2008

Version 2.1 Private By: ExPro420

Stickam Genie is a full function macromedia
flash player automated exploit program script
that takes advantage of the arbitrary code
sent by commands mod relay from stickam to
the local host via remote code-execution.This
vulnerability was first reported by admins
running macromedia websites as a bug report.
And was marked that not marked as an exploit.
Adobe Product Security Bulletin APSB07-12.
After moding the source code and adding process
automation,intergrading a basic GUI interface,
and injecting code into the (Flash) strings,We
are proud to bring you the second build of
STICKAM GENIE labled v2.1 (Original Stickam
Genie No Longer Prevents Room Bans, The exploit
was patched by in January 200
This new build we are expecting not to be
patched at all, due to it being marked a
glitch rather a exploit. We are curently
working a new project that involves adding
mod/room owner control features to the script
using the same macromedia "bug" exploit.The
original source code of the exploit can be
found at

The original exploit code is very raw and
requires much programming knowledge to be
executed against in ways of
preventing a the user from being banned from
a room or entering a passowrd protected room
without the passowrd. Stickam Genie does all
the hard work of executing the code for you.
The full automated program will patch the local
code to the macromedia application as well as
inject arbitrary Stickam Genie -supplied code
to allowing the user to enter
Any chat banned or password protected as long
as the program is running and parsing command
code lines between the user and
The program when runnning will also prevent
the user from being removed from a room from
a kick/ban as a pro active pre defense against
nasty mean mod's and room owners that are ban
happy and may think about trying to rid of you.
To pull this off in the past was a good hour
task that required allot of programming and
user intervention. Thanks to Stickam Genie
NO More!!!! And BEST of all No longer do you
have to change all the settings back to default
afer executing this exploit. Stickam Genie when
stopped returns all the macromedia and browser
setting back to the way they were set before
the exploit was applied. It does this buy
loging all your setting prior to running then
on close returns the setting to thier previous
state before Stickam Genie was applied.

NOTE: Do Not Distro This Private Release!!!
For Expro420 Fourm Members Only!!!!
Any Non-Member Wanting To Purchase This
Release May Do So For 100USD-WU ONLY!!




Run StickamGenie.exe (To Start The Program)
If Asked To Change Macromedia Security Setting
Manually Do So Then Run Program Again.

Run nopassmod.exe

Once Program Window Opens Press Any Key To
Configue The Exploit

Click Ok On Any Program Box That Opens

The Stickam Genie macromedia patch side of the
program then runs and loads (step 1 : set the
local command code to macromedia strings localy)
(step 2 : Parses code lines between the local
macomedia and the clients)

Login to your Stickam Account And DONE!!

As stated above closing Will Stop Exploit
And Setting Will Be Returned To Previous State


Known Errors:

On A Few (2/200) Windows XP/Vista OS Missing Or
Running A Damaged VBS.dll From The System
Directory May Result In A VBS String Error.
We Have Included The vbs.dll In This Package
Just Incase How Ever On Over 200 Machines Tested
On The Error Only Occured 2 Times. Due To The
Machines Missing This File. Once The File Was
Placed Back In The System Root Folder Error
Was Solved

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